The average day at Camp Meriwether begins at 7:50am with our morning flag ceremony (of course, your Troop may have Reveille whenever you wish). After breakfast, Merit Badge classes run in their respective program areas from 9am until 12pm. Most Merit Badge classes last for one hour, though a few (namely shooting sports classes) go for an hour and a half.
At 9:30am, we host our daily Leader Meeting in the dining hall. During this meeting, you can expect a briefing from the Camp Director and the rest of the camp leadership on anything and everything you need to know about that day’s events. We’ll stick around afterwards to answer questions and address issues for as long as you need.
Lunch starts at 12:30pm. During lunch, the Hullaballoo challenge takes place. Each Troop will have two opportunities to compete in this raucous and fun competition, with the winning Troop singing their campsite’s verse loudly and proudly, singing along during the chorus, and respectfully allowing other Troop’s to sing their verse.
After lunch, program resumes at 2pm. Some program areas have a 2pm-3pm Merit Badge class, while others are open for scouts to work on requirements, participate in their activities, or complete special programs. From 3pm-5pm, all areas run open program.
Evening flags take place at 5:50pm, followed immediately by dinner. After dinner, scouts can engage in a number of special activities (including a beach party!) depending on the day. A few areas run open program, too. The day more or less concludes at 8:30pm, but a few programs might run slightly later.