There are always things to do at Meriwether! We’ve even lined up few outbound activities for adventurous souls:
Up the beach, to the end of Cape Lookout, and back. Previous hiking experience is required—it’s a long way for inexperienced or young hikers.
Part of the Nature Area’s program—check with the Nature staff for the time (it’ll change depending on the tide chart).
Part of the Obie Rangers program and open to anyone who would like to go.
The beach is accessible to units and Scouts at any time. Please sign-out and sign-in using the logbook in the camp office foyer - this lets us know who is on the beach in case of emergency.
Stay Safe on the Beach:
Always remember the Buddy System; for beach visits it is best to have several Scouts along with adults.
Do not enter the water, even the surfline.
Never turn your back to the ocean. At any time the ocean may deposit logs or other objects, or surge inland unexpectedly.
If you build a fire, be certain it is dead-out by using copious amounts of water. NEVER bury the fire with sand - this can insulate coals and cause serious burns if anyone later steps in that spot.
This is your chance to learn the summer version of snowboarding: sandboarding! Take a trip to the nearby sand dunes. This activity is free of charge. Talk to the beachfront director to reserve the boards.
This activity is not organized or supervised by our staff, but we have a local crabbing outfitters that will give you some perks if you say you are with the Boy Scouts. The Company name is Jetty Fishery. They are located on the Nehalem Bay.
General rules: 4 to 6 people per boat (one of the four must be an adult); everyone will need to get a crabbing license; and all Guide to Safe Scouting rules must be followed (2-deep leadership, Safety Afloat certification, etc.). The cost is 100.00 per boat and 10.00 per license. The troop will need to call Jetty Fishery and set up the appointment. Your unit will sign out of camp. The unit will need to treat this as a troop activity. Not a camp activity.
Jetty Fishery 503-368-5746
4 to 6 people in boat
$100.00 per boat
$10.00 per person for Crabbing License