Camp Pioneer serves three meals a day (Excluding Sunday & Saturday & Wednesday) in the Rod Tripp Dining Hall. Dining is arranged by troop around tables that seat ten persons. Meals are served cafeteria-style, with staff serving food in two lines. We offer seconds and thirds as supplies allow. Each troop is expected to send ‘waiters’ before each meal (two per table) to help set up the cutlery and beverages and then clean up when the meal is over. Our wonderful kitchen staff washes all the dishes, we just ask they are brought to the kitchen.

Pio 24 Menu.pdf

Campsite Cooking

On Wednesdays, we prepare food to allow each campsite to cook their lunch and dinner over a fire. These meals are simple (and delicious!) and can accommodate dietary needs. Each campsite will send Scouts to pick up their food before lunch. We ask that all supplies are returned cleaned the following morning.

For campsite cooking the camp will provide:

-A dutch oven (one per campsite)

-A cooler

-Necessary food

We ask that you provide:

-Mess kits (one per Scout)

-A propane stove (If in a burn ban, we will be unable to use fires to cook)

-Any additional cookware that you are accustomed to using