<aside> 💡 MERIT BADGES Textile/Pulp & Paper - May require research outside of class
Metalwork - Must be 13+ years old, selected based on lottery. Completion requires some free time. There is a $12 fee, payable after Monday’s class. Please bring long pants made of natural fibers, and no synthetic fabrics are allowed in the forge.
Wilderness Survival - bring Ten Essentials. We may need help from adult leaders to provide adult supervision for the Wilderness Survival overnighter, particularly if your group contains under-18 females. Sleeping bags, pads, and other equipment are not prohibited during the overnighter, but we do encourage scouts to go without them to get the full experience.
American Heritage - may require some free time to complete
See the Merit Badge schedule for class times
The black powder rifle range is open Monday through Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. Shot tickets are available for $0.50 in the Trading Post. Eye and ear protection are provided, as is one-on-one safety instruction.
To qualify as a Frontiersman, Scouts must complete requirements in blacksmithing, marksmanship, tomahawk throwing, frontier cooking, and more during open program time. Frontiersman candidates get to enjoy a Rendezvous feast at the fort on Thursday evening. Those choosing to participate in this program must check in with the Fort Director and pay a $12 materials fee in the Trading Post.
Meriwether staff will lead the Candlelight Tour (Wednesday night), an interactive historical presentation about the Corps of Discovery’s winter of 1805. All are invited to attend, but it is required for those taking the American Heritage merit badge or working on their Frontiersman Award. Starting at the scheduled time, the Fort Clatsop staff will take tour groups through the Fort every few minutes until ~8:15pm.
Adult leaders, come down to the Fort or to the Shotgun Range and compete to see who can be first to shoot a 2x4” in half with a black-powder rifle!