Camp Meriwether takes pride in offering quality merit badge instruction because we know that merit badges are one of the crucial building blocks of a scout’s success.
We use grid sheets to record individual scouts’ merit badge and advancement progress. Grid sheets from morning classes are posted in the Scoutmaster Hallway by 2pm, and afternoon classes are posted by 7pm. Leaders can use these to track what requirements a Scout needs to complete in order to finish a badge.
The information from the grid sheets about what Merit Badge requirements scouts completed while at camp will be available in Blackpug after each camp session. This data can be imported into Scoutbook quickly and easily using a guide available on the Scoutbook website.
Grid sheets from the last few years of Camp Meriwether can be found in Resources & Downloads.
A partial is not a failure. Please do not treat them as such, especially in front of Scouts. Every requirement finished is a success and means that the scout is that much closer to completing the merit badge.
Some merit badge requirements cannot be completed at camp due to length of time or other factors that are not possible at camp. See the merit badge schedule and program area pages for details on which badges will be partials. Staff merit badge counselors are only authorized to sign off requirements that are completed at camp.
Scouts are more than welcome to work on merit badges they have partially completed at camp! To do so, they should speak to a staff member in the program area most closely related to that merit badge during open program. However, it is unlikely we will be able to track this information in Blackpug and will have to use a blue card instead.
Our staff will not take a scout’s partial blue card from them, but will sign off the requirements they completed with the scout on a new blue card at the end of the week. When you return home you can put the two cards together to determine if the scout has completed everything and have fully earned the merit badge.
We will only sign off on Merit Badge requirements not completed at camp or outside class with written verification from the scout’s adult leaders, unless the requirement involves some kind of project or homework the scout can show to the Merit Badge counselor.
Scouts should plan to work on three or four merit badges at camp. Any more than that can detract from the camp experience, which should include a balance between Troop and patrol building, merit badges and advancement, camp-wide activities, and fun with other Scouts.
Scouts should expect to bring paper and pencil/pen to every merit badge class.