Please arrive with your whole group at your scheduled time, having eaten lunch beforehand. Once you arrive, a staff member will welcome you at the gate and give you directions to the main parking lot for check-in. If your Troop is not all together, vehicles will need to wait for the rest of the Troop to arrive.
When you enter the parking lot, camp staff will greet you with song and direct your vehicles accordingly:
- Vehicles Staying Overnight: Will be parked closely together, unless you plan to unload that vehicle at your campsite (for “gear vehicles,” see below). Please back in - this facilitates a quick evacuation if needed.
- Vehicles Dropping Off and Departing: Will be given instructions about where to drop off and how to leave camp when done. Please do not park with the rest of the Troop’s vehicles.
- Trailers and “Gear Vehicles”: Trailers and “gear vehicles” that need to unload gear at your campsite will pull forward until your Troop finishes check-in. Then, you can drive in and unload one vehicle at a time. When you finish unloading, trucks may return to the main parking lot. Trailers cannot be parked permanently along the road, in campsites, or in the main parking lot. If you have a trailer, please take it to the overflow parking lot (staff will give you directions and a map during check-in). If security is a concern, bring a locking device for the door and/or the hitch.
Once parked, have your SPL gather your scouts. Your Troop’s ranger will greet you and guide your Troop through health checks for your scouts and adult leaders. When you are done, your ranger will take your Troop on the camp tour. At the same time, you can take one vehicle at a time into camp to unload gear at your campsite.