
Daily Schedule: Formatting changes to prevent “Basketry” from being cut off from “Underwater Basketry”


Waterfront: Changed Triathlon from 3pm Friday to 4:15pm Tuesday to match Daily Schedule

Handicraft: Changed Underwater Basket Weaving from 3:30pm Tuesday to 3:30pm Monday and changed Pictionary from 3:30pm Monday to 3:30pm Tuesday to match Daily Schedule


Daily Schedule: formatting changes


Campsite Assignments: Replaced content, which was accidentally that of “Reservation Changes”

Contact Us: Changed “extremely busy almost 24/7” to “extremely busy almost twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”; added bios for each member of the camp leadership

Waterfront: Changed “All Waterfront merit badges, awards, and certifications require completion of a swim test at BSA Swimmer proficiency. Swim tests are completed during Sunday check-in or from 2pm-5pm during the week.” to “All Waterfront merit badges, awards, and certifications require passing the BSA Swim Test. Swim tests are done during Sunday check-in or from 2pm-5pm during the week.”

Stagecraft: Added Music, Public Speaking merit badges; changed “Communication (Partial, missing requirements 5, 7, and 8)” to “Communication (Partial, missing requirement 5)”

Shooting Sports: Added “There is no age requirement for the Shotgun Merit Badge, though younger scouts may find it difficult to hold the firearm. There is no permission or release form to participate, either. These are only required by some states, such as California, and Oregon does not.” after “…especially for younger scouts.”; deleted “and thereafter will have priority on the ranges for them to work on qualification.” after “…that explains how the program works”; formatting changes

Outbound: Deleted “Signing up for the program works the same as for Merit Badges with limited space” after “this program is limited to twelve youth and up to two adults each week”; deleted “You can sign up in the Scoutmaster Hallway” before “Each participant needs to be a BSA swimmer…”

Obie Rangers: Added “Our staff will not sign off completed rank requirements in a scout’s Scouts BSA Handbook to avoid interfering with any Troop-specific policies on who can sign off on requirements. Instead, Troop leadership should refer to the advancement data available from Blackpug.” under “Merit Badges & Rank Advancement”

Nature & Ecology: Added Plant Science merit badge; added David Douglas Naturalist Award and Plant ID activities and their descriptions; added Astro-Dome event and its description

Fort Clatsop: Changed “To qualify as a Frontiersman, Scouts…” to “Themed after skills used by Corps of Discovery on their journey west, to qualify as a Frontiersman scouts…”; changed “Participants must speak with the Fort Director and pay a $12 fee in the Trading Post.” to “and may stay overnight at the Fort with Scoutmaster permission. There is a $12 fee, and participants should speak to the Fort Director before beginning.”; added “Candle-Making: Using a traditional dip method, make yourself a candle like the pioneers of old.”

Climbing: Added “Crate Stacking Competition: While on a top rope belay, try to stack milk crates underneath yourself as high as possible without falling. Highest tower wins!” under new “Special Events” heading; formatting changes

Campcraft: Added Pioneering merit badge, deleted “c3” from “Cooking (Partial, missing requirements 4c3…”; formatting changes